What subscription do I need to access and use JoVE Quiz?
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If you are a professor whose institution has any JoVE subscription, then you should see the screen below. You have access to our expert-reviewed quiz library based on your JoVE subscription.
Full Access: If your institution has a 'JoVE Unlimited' or 'JoVE Education' subscription, you have full access to our complete quiz library, covering all content.
Partial Access: If your institution holds a partial JoVE subscription or a JoVE Research subscription, you will have access to the quiz library based on the specific content included in your subscription. If you attempt to access a video that is not part of your subscription, a notification will inform you that the content is not included in your subscription.
As a professor whose institution has any JoVE subscription, you have access to create as many quizzes as you want!
If your institution does not have any JoVE subscription then you do not have access to create, edit or distribute quizzes.
If you are a student, you will see the screen below. You can attempt the quizzes assigned to you by your professor.